It is fantastic to see that there are so many options when it comes to camping lights on today's market. With this many options it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming trying to choose which option is the best for yourself. In this article, we hope to give you some questions to think about to help you come to a clearer decision of which type of light might be the best choice.
Will there be children with you?
If you are camping with children, consider the dangers involved when it comes to using lighting that requires a flame of any type. Children might be well behaved at home, but a new type of light is interesting enough to attract just about any child to want to explore more closely, increasing the risk of personal injury or fire. If children are camping with you, the safest option is to go with an LED lantern which has practically no risk of injury or fire.
Will you be walking at night or fishing at night?
If you are planning on taking the light out on night walks or fishing a flame type light may not be the best option. Some fuel lights are fine to walk around with (such as most kerosene lanterns), however all flame options come with some risk of fire. If walking around or fishing is something you are planning on doing, consider an LED head lamp which will be perfect as it will provide a bright light whilst freeing up your hands.
Is anyone sensitive to fuel odors?
If you are camping with anyone that is asthmatic or has any type of respiratory condition, consider whether they could be potentially effected by the odor that is given off by a flame type light. If this is the case, an LED lantern will be the best type for you.
How bright do you need your light to be?
If you are doing anything that requires bright light for extended periods, you might be best with an LPG lantern as they are very bright. If you have access to mains power, a fluorescent light may also be a good option. LED lights today can be extremely bright, but have not come to the point of being as bright as an LPG lantern on full.
Can you find more fuel if needed?
If you run out of fuel where you are camping, where is the nearest place to get fuel? This applies to electronic type lighting too. What type of batteries does it take? Do you have spares?
We hope this article has provided you with some questions to help steer you in the right direction towards making the best decision for your needs. Of course, whatever the choice it is always recommended to have a hand held torch as a backup light.